
what are pillpals?

pillpals was a popular pixel exchange clique from the early 2000s. it was one of the first of it's kind along with the quilting bee. I remember being intrigued by all the different and creative pills that were made by the members. you can't tell me that the deery-lou pill isn't to die for. here's a description from the og creator stewy:

  w e l c o m e !

hiya kiddies, stewey here! welcome to my new club :D dont worry, its not about drugs :O pill pals are candy i tell you! so how did it come about? one day, i was drawing random things, pixel by pixel. i drew a pill with a face :D i decided to make one of a green cat for kitty, so i could use it to link her. then i thought *everybody should be able to enjoy these!* and i then got the idea for the club. so what is this club? well, you'll just have to go to the *how does it work?* page and find out! yay! thanks kitty for hosting me <3          - stewey

  h o w   d o e s   i t   w o r k   ?

everyone has a *pharmacy* with pills that other members can take and put in their *pill box*. everyone has a *pill box* to put their collection of pills they've taken from other members *pharmacys*. doesn't that sound like fun?

by some miracle, my pilpalls table from my 2003 geocities site was archieved. if you want to adopt any of the pills in my pill box, feel free. they'll be turning 21 this year!

+ p h a r m a cy +
if you'd like to take one of my pills, upload it to your own server, put it in your pill box and link it back to http://geocities.com/nillacreame/ http://pastelhello.com/
+ p i l l b o x +

what are pill pals?

after pillpalls became defunct, someone else took over the clique so you can still join today! if you are interested in joining click here. this site doesn't appear to be active anymore. if you want to make a pillpals table to make and collect pills, I've included a table code and some fresh templates. :3


table code

